What is a School Resource Officer?
Visible, active law enforcement figure on campus dealing with any law-related issues
resource for instruction in the following areas: law-related education, violence diffusion, safety programs, alcohol and drug
prevention, crime prevention and other areas
Member of faculty and administrative team working hand in hand to solve
problems in school community
Resource for students which will enable students to be assocaited with a law enforcement
figure in the student's environment
Resource to teachers, parents, and students for conferences on an individual basis,
dealing with individual problems or questions
Counseling resource in areas which may affect the educational environment
but may be of law-related nature
Goals of the School Resource Officer Program
Bridge the gap between police officer and young people and increase
positive attitudes toward law enforcement
Teach the value of our legal system
Promote respect for people and
Reduce juvenile crime by helping students formulate an awareness of rules, authority and justice
students access to the legal system
Give students a realistic picture of our laws and legal system so they will have
an investment in supporting and improving it
Teach students how to avoid becoming a victim through self awareness
and crime prevention

Fairfield Community High School |
The City of Fairfield School Resource Officer program was started in December of 1999 with funding
from a School-Based Partnerships Grant. This grant allowed an officer to be assigned to Fairfield Community High School. During
the 1999 - 2000 school year, the officer's main task was to gather information concerning verbal and written threats and fights.
In September of 2000, the City of Fairfield was granted a COPS in Schools grant. This grant funds one full-time police
officer to be assigned to the high school for three years as a School Resource Officer. The fourth year's salary for the School
Resource Officer will be equally paid by the City of Fairfield and the FCHS Board of Education.
Due to the promotion
of Brent Maguire to Sergeant, Officer Charles McMeen was assigned as the School Resource Officer in December 2003.
Roles and Responsibilities of the School Resource
Work closely with school principal, meeting at least on weekly basis
Provide a program of educational leadership to students addressing various issues
Act as a communication liason
with other law enforcement agencies
Gather information regarding potential problems such as criminal activity and
identify particular students who may be a disruptive influence to the school and/or students
Take steps appropriate
and consistent with a law enforcement officer's duty when a crime occurs
Refers students and their families to the
appropriate agency for assistance when a need is determined
Attend meetings of parent groups and faculty-wide in-service
Available for conferences with students, parents, and faculty to assist with problems related to law enforcement
and crime prevention
Confer with school administration to develop strategies to prevent or minimize dangerous situations
on or near the campus
Attend school functions and extracurricular events