As used in the ACT, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms specified in the following definitions have the meanings ascribed to them.
Council Means the FAIRFIELD CITY COUNCIL, made up of duly elected or appointed Aldermen, and Mayor, who represent the City of Fairfield, Illinois.
Administrator Means a veterinarian licensed by the State of Illinois and appointed by the Council.
Deputy Administrator Means any person appointed by the Administrator to aid him or her in his duties, who is a licensed veterinarian of the State of Illinois.
Animal Control Wardens Means any person appointed by the Administrator and approved by the Council to enforce the provisions of this Act.
Law Enforcement Officer Means any Police Officer which has been certified by the State of Illinois to enforce the laws of Illinois.
Contracts of Agreements The Council may enter into contracts or agreements with THE WAYNE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY or others to provide necessary personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, or pounds so as the Administrator may carry out the provisions of this Act.
Funding Means that the COUNCIL shall be empowered to utilize monies from the General Fund to effectuate the intent of the Act.
Humane Society Means any chartered, not-for-profit organization authorized to do business in this State and organized for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals and promoting humane care and treatment of animals.
Pound Means any facility approved by the ADMINISTRATOR for the purpose of enforcing this Act and used as a shelter for seized, stray, homeless, abandoned, or unwanted dogs, cats, or other animals, bird, or fowl.
Impounded Means when and animal is taken into custody of a pound approved by the Administrator.
Confined Means restriction of an animal, bird or fowl, at all times, by the owner or his agent, to an escape-proof building, open or other enclosure, away form other animals, birds, or fowl, and the public.
Enclosure Means a fence, cage, or structure of sufficient width and height, with enclosed top, sides, and bottom, forming an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of other animals or humans and preventing the escape of a VICIOUS animal from within such enclosure and may be required in conjunction with other measures such as leashing of the animal inside the enclosure. Such an enclosure shall be kept locked at all times.
Leash/Restraint/Run Line Means a cord, rope, strap, chain, or other device which shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of an animal, bird or fowl, or any other instrument designed for the physical restraint of such, and shall be of sufficient strength to restrict or limit the physical movements or actions of such so as the restrainer has complete control of the animal, bird or fowl at all times.
Muzzle Means a device designed to fit tightly around an animals head and jaws so as to prevent the animal from being physically able to bite, nip or chew another animal or human.
Owner Means any person having a right of property in a dog, cat, or any other animal, bird, fowl, or fish, or anyone who keeps or harbors, has in his care, acts as custodian, or knowingly permits such creatures to remain on or about any premise occupied by him or her.
Person Means any person, firm, corporation, partnership, society, association or other legal entity, any political subdivision of the State of Illinois, or any other business unit.
Stray Means an animal not on the premises of the owner and not confined or under control by a leash or restraint.
Inoculation Means the injection into an animal of an anti-rabies vaccine approved by the Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois and administered by a licensed veterinarian.
Rabies Tag Means a metal or plastic tag issued by a licensed veterinarian and showing the dates an animal was inoculated and the expiration date of that inoculation or vaccination and is to be worn on the collar or harness of such animal at all times.
Rabies Certificate Means a certificate showing the date an animal has been inoculated and the expiration date of such inoculation which is issued by a licensed veterinarian and is to be kept by the owner of such animal to show proof of inoculation or vaccination.
Licensed Veterinarian Means a veterinarian licensed by the State in which he engages in the practice of veterinary medicine.
Animal Bite Means that a person or animal has been seized with the teeth or jaws of another animal so that the person or animal seized has been nipped, gripped, wounded, or pierced and further includes contact of saliva with any break or abrasion of the skin.
Humanely Terminated Means the painless administration of a lethal dose of an agent which shall cause the painless death of an animal as prescribed in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, January 15, 1993. Said method shall not destroy brain tissue necessary for laboratory examination for rabies.
Laboratory Means a laboratory operated by the State of Illinois Department of Agriculture, the State of Illinois Department of Public Health, any land grant university, or other laboratories approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Livestock Means any Bison, Cattle, Oxen, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Equidae, including Horses, Mules, Jacks, Donkeys, and Burros. It also includes, Ostriches, Emus, Peacocks, Cassowary, Llamas, or any variations of all of the above.
Poultry Means any domestic fowl including Chickens, Bantams, Turkeys, Guineas, Ducks, Geese, Swans, Herons, Cranes, Quail or Grouse, Pheasant, Partridge, Pigeon, Woodcock, or any variation of the above.
Dangerous Animal Means any Elephant, Giraffe, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Cougar, Ocelot, Jaguar, Jaguarundi, Cheetah, Margay, Mountain Lion, Lynx, Bobcat, Ape, Gorilla, Baboon, Orangutan, Monkey, Kangaroo, Wallaby, Deer, Elk, Moose, Gazelle, Antelope, Mountain Goat, Wild Hog, wild animals or any poisonous or life-threatening Snakes or Reptiles including Alligators and Crocodiles.
Animal Means every living creature, domestic or wild, except humans.
Furbearing Animals Means Mink, Chinchillas, Ermine, Sable, Rabbit, Otter, Raccoon, Opussum, Muskrat, Fox, Weasel, Ground Hog, Marten, Marmots, Skunk, Beaver, Porcupines, Hedgehogs, Gopher, Woodchuck, Prairie Dog, Ground Squirrels, Tree Squirrels, Flying Squirrels, or any variations of the above.
Exotic Animals/Birds/Fish/Reptiles Means any animal, reptile, bird, or fowl, either native or foreign, wild or domestic, which does not fall into any of the other definitions, and may be considered out of the ordinary, including, but not limited to, Parrots, Canaries, Cockatoos, Cockateels, Parakeets, Finches, Love birds, Doves, or salt water or fresh water Tropical Fish, Non-poisonous reptiles, Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, Skinks, including Chameleon, Gecko, Honed toad or Lizard, Iguana, Water Dragons, Bearded Dragons, or Hamster, Gerbil, Guinea Pig, White Mice, or variations of the above.
Vicious Animals Means any animal that without provocation attacks, bites, or attempts to attack or bite a human being or another animal either on public or private property. Also included is any animal, which after examination by the Administrator or an Animal Control Warden, has been declared a Vicious Animal in writing. No animal shall be deemed a Vicious Animal if it attacks or bites and unauthorized trespasser on the property of its owner and that trespasser has tormented or abused such Animal. A Vicious Animal shall not be classified in a manner that is specific as to breed.
Diseased/Disease Carrying Animals Means any animal, bird, fowl, or fish, who is known to be a carrier or promoter of contagious diseases or rabies, including but not limited to, Bats, Rats, Mice, Rodents, Skunks, Barn Sparrows or other infected animals.
Dog Means, as used in this Act, a domesticated dog and excludes all other members of the family Canidae.
Cat Means, as used in this Act, a domesticated cat and excludes all other members of the family Felidae.
Guide Dogs/Support Dogs Guide Dogs for the blind or hearing impaired or Support Dogs for the physically handicapped may be exempt from certain provisions of this Act.
Police Dog/Fire Dog Police or Fire agency owned dogs that are specifically trained certain areas such as Drug Detect/Watch Dogs means dogs that are trained to protect property and deter or deny trespassers, burglars, or thieves from entry upon such property.
House Pet Means any animal which is kept inside the residence of its owner and can not leave of its own free will.
Livestock Facility/Stock Yard/Auction Barn Means any business or operation engaged in the buying, selling, dealing, grading, or exchanging of livestock in which livestock is physically housed, enclosed or confined for any length of time on the premises.
Poultry Dealer/Hatchery Means any business or operation engaged in the buying, selling, breeding, hatching, grading, or exchanging of live Poultry or fertile Poultry eggs and such Poultry or such eggs are physically housed, enclosed, or confined for any length of time on the premises.
Livestock/Poultry Transporter/Carrier/Trucker/Shipper Means anyone who is engaged in the transporting, hauling, shipping, moving, or herding of livestock, poultry or other live animals.
Fish Market/Seafood Market Means any business or operation engaged in the buying, selling, exchanging of live Fish, Turtle, Crawfish, Crayfish, Lobster, Shrimp, Eel, Oyster, Clam, or any other Cetaceans, Crustaceans, Mollusks, Echinoderms, Batrachians, either sea or fresh water for consumption either in a live state, or slaughtered, and processed on the premises.
Butchery/Slaughterhouse/Packing House Means any business or operation engaged in the slaughtering, butchering, skinning, plucking, dressing or packaging of Livestock, Poultry or Game for market or custom slaughtering for individuals, when such Livestock, Poultry or Game is processed from a live state.
Pet Shop Means any business or operation engaged in the buying, selling, exchanging, holding, housing, exhibiting for sale, Dogs, Cats, Exotic Animals, Birds, Fish or Reptiles, as pets for a fee or compensation.
Kennels/Breeders/Dealers/Cattery Means any business, operation, or anyone engaged in breeding, raising, buying, selling, dealing in or exchanging Dogs or Cats for a fee or compensation.
Trainers/Boarders/Groomers Means any business, operation, or anyone else engaged in training, boarding, watching over caring for grooming or trimming house pets or other animals for a fee or compensation.
Bait Shop/Worm Growers Means any business or operation engaged in the raising, keeping, breeding, buying, selling, live fish bait, including, but not limited to Worms or Night Crawlers.
Animal Hospital/Clinic/Veterinarian Clinic/Hospital/Medical Center Means any business or operation wherein a licensed Veterinarian is engaged in the medical care and treatment of animals for a profit or non-profit.
Taxidermist Means a person who is practicing the profession of taxidermy, preparing, preserving, stuffing, or mounting dead animals or birds in a lifelike manner.
Fur Dealer Means a person who is engaged in the business of buying or gathering, or procuring Animal Fur, Hides, Skins, Feathers, or Carcasses for resale for a compensation of profit.
Trapper Means any person who is engaged in the setting of traps of any kind for the catching of animals or birds for whatever use.