Vehicles and Traffic
18.16 Speed Limits


18.02 The Illinois Vehicle Code
18.04 General Provisions
18.06 Operation of Vehicles
18.08 Parking
18.10 Parking Meters
18.12 Stop Intersections
18.14 Yield Right-of-Way Intersections
18.16 Speed Limits
18.18 One-way Streets and Alleys
18.20 Abandoned, Lost, Stolen or Unclaimed Vehicles
18.22 Limited Load Streets and Bridges
18.23 Restricted Truck Tractor and Semitrailer Traffic

Chapter 18.16



18.16.010 Twenty Miles Per Hour Location.
18.16.020 Posting Sign.
18.16.030 Penalty.
18.16.040 Speed Restrictions.
18.16.050 Special Speed Limits While Passing Schools.

Horizontal Divider 16

18.16.010 Twenty Miles Per Hour Location.
It shall be unlawful to drive any motor vehicle on North First Street between Court Street and North Street at a speed in excess of twenty miles per hour. The fact that the speed of a vehicle does not exceed the applicable maximum speed limit on said street does not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing intersections or to avoid an accident with any person or vehicle and does not relieve the driver of any vehicle from the duty to decrease speed or stop so as to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in a crosswalk. (Ord. 1030 Sec. 1 10-28-75)

18.16.020 Posting Sign.
The Chief of Police or some person designated by him shall post or cause to be posted suitable signs indicating such speed limit. (Ord. 1030 Sec. 2 10-28-75)

18.16.030 Penalty.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be fined of less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00 for each offense. (Ord. 1030 Sec. 3 10-28-75)

18.06.040 Speed Restrictions.
It shall be unlawful to drive any motor vehicle on any street not under the jurisdiction of the State, or the County, in an urban district within the City at a speed in excess of 30 miles per hour, or in an alley at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
Provided that if the mayor and Council by ordinance, sets other limits as provided by Statute after an engineering or traffic survey, then such limit shall govern the rate of speed on the street indicated in such ordinance. The superintendent of streets shall post appropriate signs showing such speed limits.

Provided further that the speed of all vehicles, of the second division, as defined by Statute, having two or more solid tires shall not exceed 10 miles per hour.
The fact that the speed of a vehicle does not exceed the applicable maximum speed limit does not relieve the driver from the duty of decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hillcrest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway or when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic by reason of weather or highway conditions; and speed shall be decreased as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person or vehicle on or entering the highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care.

It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle on any street or highway within the City under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings, or of the County, at a speed exceeding that lawfully set for such street.

18.06.050 Special Speed Limits While Passing Schools.
 No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 20 miles per hour while passing the school zone or while traveling upon any public thoroughfare on or across which children pass going to and from school during school days when school children are present.