16.06.010 Permit required when opening street or alley - when.
It is unlawful for any person to dig up or open any street or alley in the city of Fairfield for the purpose of making connection to the combined water and sewer system, gas system of the city of Fairfield, or for the purpose of making connection with the telephone or cable TV utilities, or for any other purpose except in compliance with this chapter and pursuant to a permit in writing issued by the city collector of the city of Fairfield. (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993)
16.06.020 Requirements to be met before permit issued - Deposit.
Before the city collector shall issue a permit for opening a street or alley, the applicant shall request such permit in writing, describing the location where the street or alley is to be opened, the purpose for the opening of the street or alleys, shall agree to secure and indemnify the city of Fairfield against any claim of any person or property damage or personal injury which may be caused by the opening of the street or alley, and shall deposit with the city collector the sum of two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275.00), which consists of an opening fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and a refundable dirt removal fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which the city collector shall refund t the applicant provided that the applicant shall haul away all dirt and other debris from the street or alley opening excavation site. (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1397 ss1 (part), 1993)
16.06.030 Safety Measures.
The street department of the city of Fairfield shall protect the street or alley opening site and the dirt therefrom piled in the city street or alley by proper barricade by day and by lanterns, flares or electric blinkers from sunset to sunrise. (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1397 ss1 (part), 1993)
16.06.040 Opening - Street or alley.
Upon request of the applicant, the city shall open all streets or alleys in the city of Fairfield for which an opening permit has been issued by the city collector. The applicant shall complete all connections or other work in the opening. The applicant shall also have the responsibility to remove the dirt and other debris from the opening of the street and alley. If the applicant shall remove the dirt and other debris from the street and alley opening excavation site, the city collector, upon application from the applicant, shall refund the dirt removal deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to the applicant. Otherwise, the applicant shall forfeit the dirt removal deposit to the city as reimbursement for its costs of dirt and debris removal from the opening site. (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1397 ss1 (part), 1993)
16.06.050 Closing of street or alley.
The applicant shall close all street or alley openings with compacted sand and/or road pack from the bottom of the opening to a level six inches (6") below the street surface under the supervision of and to the satisfaction of the superintendent of the city street and bridge department or his designate. The city shall finish with concrete as may be required to return the street surface to its original condition and shall remove all dirt and debris from the opening site if not removed by applicant. Failure of the applicant to close such street or alley opening under supervision of and to the satisfaction of, the superintendent of the city street and bridge department or his designate, shall result in the applicant being required to reopen and then close the street or alley in compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1397 ss1 (part), 1993)
16.06.060 Necessary approval and inspection of any connection to the municipal utilities.
Nothing in this chapter shall affect the duty of any plumber, applicant, or other person making connection with the combined water and sewer system, gas system or electrical system of the city of Fairfield to obtain the required inspection and approval of proper officials of the city of Fairfield for such connections prior to the restoration of the street or alley opening. (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1397 ss1 (part), 1993)
16.06.070 Violation - Penalty.
Any person who shall open any street or alley for any purpose, including but not limited to making connection with the combined water and sewer system, the gas system or the electrical system of the city, or making connection with the telephone utility or cable TV utility, without first complying with the requirements of this chapter, shall be subject to a fine of not less than two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275.00) and no more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 1410 ss1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1397 ss1 (part), 1993)