CHAPTER 16.04 Improvements to Sidewalks Sections: 16.04.010 Adoption of Policy. 16.04.015 Replacement of Existing Sidewalks. 16.04.020 Sidewalks - Responsibility for Survey. 16.04.030 Sidewalks - Responsibility for Payment/Lien 16.04.040 Sidewalks - Responsibility for Street and Alley Crossings. 16.04.050 Specifications of Sidewalks and Crossings. 16.04.060 Sidewalks - Bidding Process. 16.04.070 Sidewalks - Disclaimer of Liability.  16.04.010 Adoption of Policy.
In order to promote improvements to sidewalks in the city of Fairfield, the city council adopts a policy that it will assist in payment for installation of sidewalks in the city of Fairfield when the owners of adjacent property pay for one-half (1/2) of the total cost of labor and materials therefor. (Ord. 1261 ss1(part), 1985)
16.040.015 Replacement of Existing Sidewalks.
Not-withstanding other sections in this chapter providing for the installation of sidewalks in the city of Fairfield where no sidewalks previously exist, the city of Fairfield will participate with the owners of adjacent property in replacement of existing sidewalks in the city of Fairfield upon request for assistance from such owners of adjacent property. Upon such request the adjacent property owners requesting replacement of existing sidewalks shall pay for and be responsible for the delivery of all necessary materials to the replacement site. The city shall furnish all necessary labor for such replacement of existing sidewalks. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city reserves the right to replace existing sidewalks at its own expense after determination by the city street and bridge committee with the approval by the mayor that the existing sidewalks are in hazardous condition to the general public. (Ord. 1405 ss1, 1993)
16.04.020 Sidewalks - Responsibility for Survey.
When all the owners of adjacent property on one or both sides of any one or more blocks in the city of Fairfield sign a request to the city of Fairfield to install sidewalks on one or both sides of any one (1) or more blocks, and such owners agree to pay for one-half (1/2) of the total cost of labor and materials therfor, the city will at its own expense do the surveying. Otherwise, the cost of such surveying shall be considered as part of the total cost of labor and materials for the installation of the sidewalk and shall be shared equally. (Ord. 1261 ss1(part), 1985)
16.04.030 Sidewalks - Responsibility for payment/lien.
A. After the city has received a request for assistance for installation of sidewalks, the street and bridge committee has selected the lowest responsible bidder, the adjacent property owners have agreed to pay one-half of the total cost of labor and materials pursuant to this chapter, and the installation of the sidewalks has been completed according to the specifications of this chapter and to the satisfaction of the superintendent of the street and bridge department, the city will pay to the installing contractor one-half (1/2) of the total cost of labor and materials therefor. The owner of property adjacent to said sidewalks installed shall pay the other one-half (1/2) of the total cost of labor and materials therefor upon demand from the contractor.
B. The adjacent property owner agreeing with the city of Fairfield for the installation of sidewalks shall grant to the city of Fairfield a lien on the property adjacent to the sidewalk constructed to secure such owner's payment of one-half (1/2) of such total costs of labor and materials. (Ord. 1261 ss1 (part), 1985)
16.04.040 Sidewalks - Responsibility for street and alley crossings.
All street and alley crossings shall be constructed and shall be paid for entirely by the city of Fairfield. (Ord. 1261 ss1 (part), 1985)
16.04.050 Specifications of sidewalks and crossings.
A. Sidewalks shall be constructed in the following manner. The surface of the ground upon which sidewalks are to be laid shall be graded by excavating or filling, and a smooth surface made for the bed of such sidewalks four (4) inches below the grade line of such sidewalk. The top of said walk when completed shall have a slop of one-eighth of an inch (1/8") to the foot towards the center of the street along which said sidewalk is laid.
B. The sidewalk shall be laid off in equal sections as follows. When a walk four feet (4') wide is to be constructed, the sections or blocks shall be four feet (4') square; where five feet (5') wide, five feet (5') square; where six feet wide (6'), six feet (6') square; where eight feet (8') wide, four (4') square; where ten feet (10') wide, five feet (5') square; and when twelve feet (12'), six feet (6') square.
C. Such sections shall be filled with concrete to a depth of four inches (4"), composed of an acceptable concrete mix, as defined in the then-current issue of the Road and Bridge Specifications of the State of Illinois.
D. Necessary street and alley crossings shall be constructed, and where street and alley crossings are to be constructed, the surface of the ground upon which the crossings are to be laid shall be graded by excavating and filling, and a smooth surface made for the bed of such crossing six inches (6") below the grade line of said walk. The crossing shall be laid off in equal sections in the same manner as is provided for the squares of blocks of the walk, and said sections shall be filled with concrete of the same composition as set out in subsection C of this section, to a depth of six inches (6"). In addition, a concrete reinforcing welded-wire fabric shall be placed of sufficient gauge, according to the state of Illinois Road and Bridge Specifications.
E. The surface of all crossings shall be grooved parallel with the walk and shall also be grooved exactly over the joints between the concrete.
F. Proper expansion joints shall be made and provided where the walk joins or abuts any other walk or crossing.
G. All water must be clear and pure in that it is free from alkali, sulphur and discoloration.
H. Mixing of material must comply with the then-current issue of state of Illinois Road and Bridge Specifications, and meet the approval of the superintendent of the street and bridge department. (Ord. 1261 ss1 (part), 1985)
16.04.060 Sidewalks - Bidding process.
A. The total cost of materials and labor (including a survey, if any) for sidewalks shall be determined and approved by the street and bridge committee, based upon at least two independent bids submitted to such committee prior to construction by the adjacent owners requesting assistance, for sidewalk construction (labor, materials, and surveying, if applicable).
B. The committee shall select the lowest responsible bid and authorize the construction to begin. (Ord. 1261 ss1 (part), 1985)
16.04.070 Sidewalks - Disclaimer of Responsibility.
The city of Fairfield will not be responsible for any costs of installation of sidewalks and streets and alley crossings in the city of Fairfield which are not installed according to the terms and conditions stated in this chapter. (Ord. 1261 ss1(part), 1985)