(A) Garbage: Waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food; waste from the handling, storage, and sale of produce.
(B) Refuse: Combustible trash, including but not limited to paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, excelsior, tree branches, yard trimmings, wood furniture, bedding; non combustible trash, including but not limited to metals, tin cans, metal furniture, dirt small quantities of rock and pieces of concrete, glass, crockery, other mineral wastes; street rubbish, including but not limited to street sweepings, dirt, leaves, catchbasin dirt, contents of litter receptacles. Provided, refuse shall not include earth and wastes from building operations, nor shall it include solid waste resulting from industrial processes in manufacturing operations such as food-processing waste, boiler-house cinders, lumber, scraps and shavings.
(C) Ashes: Residue from fires used for cooking and for heating buildings.
5.14.020 Uncovered Garbage.
It shall be unlawful to place or permit to remain anywhere in the City any garbage or other materials subject to decay other than leaves or grass, excepting in a tightly covered metal container.
5.14.030 Wind-blown Refuse.
It shall be unlawful to cause or permit to accumulate any dust, ashes, or trash of such a material that it can be blown away by the wind anywhere in the City excepting in a covered container.
5.14.040 Deposits on Streets.
It shall be unlawful to deposit or permit to fall from any vehicle any garbage, refuse or ashes on any public street or alley in the City; provided, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit placing garbage, refuse or ashes in a container complying with the provisions of this code preparatory to having such material collected and disposed of in the manner provided in the Code.
5.14.050 Consent of Owner.
It shall be unlawful to dump or place any garbage, refuse or ashes on any premises in the City without the consent of the owner of such premises.
5.14.060 Disposal.
It shall be unlawful to dispose of any garbage, refuse or ashes anywhere in the City excepting in an incinerator, or disposal device, properly constructed and operated or in a lawfully established garbage or refuse dump. Such material not so properly disposed of shall be placed in containers for collection by the City as prescribed in this Code.
5.14.070 Penalty.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Chapter shall be fined not less that five dollars ($5.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
5.14.080 Prima Facie Evidence of Violation.
The fact that garbage, refuse or ashes remain on any occupants premises in the City in violation of this Chapter shall be prima facie evidence that the occupant of such premises is responsible for the violation of this Chapter occurring.