Health and Safety
14.10 Surface Toilets Cesspools Privvy Vaults


14.02 Aircraft
14.04 Open Burning
14.06 Volatile Gas
14.08 Abandoned, Unattended or Discarded Ice Boxes, Refrigerators, etc.
14.10 Surface Toilets Cesspools Privvy Vaults
14.12 Weeds
14.14 Explosives and Fireworks
14.16 Ambulances

Chapter 14.10



14.10.010 Receptacles to surface toilets or cesspools must be properly screened or enclosed to prevent flies from passing in or out and penalty.
14.10.020 Privy Vault or cesspool unlawful when.
14.10.030 Public nuisances when.
14.10.040 Abatement Notification penalty.
14.10.050 Abatement Failure Municipal Action.

Horizontal Divider 16

14.10.010 Receptacles to surface toilets or cesspools must be properly screened or enclosed to prevent flies from passing in or out and penalty.
All receptacles to surface toilets or cesspools within the corporate limits of the said City of Fairfield, Illinois, shall be properly screened or enclosed to prevent flies from passing in or out of the receptacle of said toilets or cesspools.
Any owner or person in possession of any such toilet or cesspool that does not comply with the provisions of this Section shall be subject to a fine of not less than Five and not more than One Hundred Dollars. (Ord. 161 Sec. 1 7-2-23)

14.10.020 Privy vault or cesspool unlawful When.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to keep or maintain on any premises owned or controlled by them, or any of them, any privy, vault or cesspool within the City of Fairfield, wherever said premises abut or adjoin upon any street or alley in which is located a sewer line of the sewer system of the City of Fairfield. (Ord. 571 Sec. 1 12-4-45)

14.10.030 Public Nuisances When.
Any and all such privies, vaults or cesspools so located in the City of Fairfield, as described in Section 14.10.020 above, shall be and they are hereby declared to be public nuisances. (Ord. 571 Sec. 2 12-4-45)