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Although it's uncomfortable to think about, strangers pose a threat to our kids. Of course, most strangers who come into your child's life are not a threat. And most kids who are abducted are taken by family members. However, according to the Department of Justice, there are 115,000 reports of attempted abductions by non-family members each year. All told, about 4,600 children are kidnapped by non-family members each year. Parents . . . What You Should Teach Your Children Since there is no way to tell if a person is good or bad on sight, kids should be taught to avoid any stranger who tries to engage them Tell your children to never go with any person they do not know and never share any information with strangers Prepare a plan in case your child gets lost . . . Agree beforehand on a meeting spot and tell your child to stay there until you get there Their full name, address, and phone number including area code Your full name, where you work, and phone number Your Secret Password - - A word known only by you and your child Never to go with anyone who does not give your Secret Password To scream "HELP" if they are in trouble A Police Officer is his/her friend
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Parent's Checklist Keep current identification of your children in a safe and accessible place (fingerprints, photo, video, and physical description)
Never mark child's clothing or toys with a name - use the child's or your own initials instead
Make a mental note of knowing what your child is wearing every day
Know your child's friends names, addresses, and phone numbers
Never leave a child under 9 home alone or unattended, either in a car or in public
Always accompany a young child to the public restroom
Designate a neighbors home as a "safe house" where your child can go if you're not home and there is an emergency
Be involved in your child's activities
Always know where your child is
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Common Lures Assistance Lure
A man seeks help to find a lost dog, or a motorist asks for directions. These lures work because kids naturally want to be helpful. But kids should know that adult strangers have no right to ask them for this kind of help. Teach kids that when it comes to strangers, they cannot be helpful and safe at the same time. If kids are approached by a car, they should turn and run the opposite direction as fast as they can - without stopping, talking, explaining, or making eye contact with the driver Emergency Lure
This is meant to confuse and worry the child. Someone may tell the child, "Your mom had a car accident and I'm here to take you to the hospital." Or a driver may claim to have the child's father on a cell phone to lure the child to the car. The adult could trick the child by saying s/he is a new neighbor, or works for the child's school. So remind your kids that if they don't know the person's name or recognize the face, this is a stranger. And they should never go with a stranger, or walk over to a stranger's car. If the kids already know to run in the opposite direction as soon as someone approaches them, they will never have to face this upsetting lure. Bribery Lure
It's an old trick but it still works. A stranger offers children money, candy, video games, or something else appealing to entice them. Teach your children this is bribery, not generosity, and if they go close enough to take gifts from a stranger, they are close enough for the stranger to take them. Animal Lure
It's envitable that if someone shows up with a puppy or kitten, kids will gather. Many abductors use animals to lure kids to them or their cars. Remind your kids never to go with a person on foot or in a car, no matter how much they want to pet the animal.
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